The Lincolnshire Association

of Local Councils

information - guidance - support at your fingertips

Supporting Local Democracy

Nearly all parish councils in Lincolnshire, together with some parish meetings, are currently in membership of the Association. This means that their voice is heard collectively on local issues and at national level. It is hoped that all local councils will join the Association to avail themselves of the support available to them in these changing times for local government.

LALC sustains a positive working relationship with all principal authorities in Lincolnshire, and with the Lincolnshire branch of the Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC).

Get in touch

To make sure your query gets through to the correct person, please use our online Contact page. 

To book a training session, please see our Training Courses page for course details and visit our Events page to make a booking.

Latest News

Contact us

  Civility & Respect

Civility and respect should be at the heart of public life, and good governance is fundamental to ensuring an effective and well-functioning democracy at all levels. Updates and resources from NALC's Civility and Respect Project.

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Member Portal

Our new portal is available to clerks and contains lots of useful links and information in one place. It is also our preferred way of dealing with enquiries. Member councils will receive details of how to access this via email.

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Internal Audit

We'll offer you a mid-year audit which will go over your governance in depth, followed by a light touch audit at year-end when you can sign off your AGAR.                                                                                                    

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Website Maintenance

Is your council running a JADU website hosted by Lincolnshire County Council? Do you need     assistance keeping it up to date?                                                         We can help.                       

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Key Documents

Good Councillor Publications, Standing Orders template,  NJC pay scales, and JPAG Practitioners' Guide.

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About LALC

Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils is a not-for-profit membership organisation representing, training and advising the local (town and parish) councils of Lincolnshire, who form the grass-roots tier of local government in England. 

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Current Vacancies

Town and Parish council vacancies

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Training courses

These courses are offered regularly. Occasionally the actual course may vary from the outline given here. Courses may be held remotely or face to face and may be split across more than one session. Timing is approximate and may change depending on the format of the course.               

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Useful links

Links to external websites

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Information From Other Authorities/External Organisations

Useful information

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Public Information

Useful information

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What's happening in Lincolnshire

Events happening across the county

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Cost of Living Support


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