How to deal with a Grievance

Last updated: 25 September 2023 at 16:47:51 UTC by JAMS Assistant

Refer to Legal Topic Note 22 for the latest NALC advice about dealing with a grievance.  

Grievances regarding the behaviour and conduct of councillors must be referred to the Monitoring Officer of the Principal Council because the conduct has to be considered against the adopted Code of Conduct and in accordance with S.28 Localism Act 2011.  The Monitoring Officer will therefore decide if the allegations are investigated and what measures should be taken to address a failure to comply with the Code of Conduct.  The grievance cannot be considered by the Parish / Town Council itself beyond the informal stage of the Grievance Policy & Procedure following the High court decision in the Ledbury case. The full High Court judgment in the case of R (Harvey) v Ledbury Town Council [2018] EWHC 1151 (Admin) on 15 May 2018 can be found at: . Advice and guidance should be sought at the earliest opportunity if a grievance appears to relate to the behaviour and conduct of councillor(s).

Grievances that do not relate to the conduct and behaviour of councillors can still be fully managed by Parish and Town Councils in accordance with their Grievance Policy and Procedures.