How to deal with a flexible working request

Last updated: 25 September 2023 at 16:47:51 UTC by JAMS Assistant

In recent years there has been a growing demand for flexible working from both employees and employers. Employees have a statutory right to request a change to their contractual terms and conditions of employment to work flexibly providing they meet the eligibility requirements


•Upon receiving a request, invite the employee to a meeting to discuss their request. Employees should be informed of their right to be accompanied.

•Where you agree to the request immediately, there is no need to meet with the employee.


•Discuss the request in full at the meeting.

•Look at the benefits of the requested changes for the employee and the Council and weigh these against any adverse impacts of implementing the changes.


•Objectively consider the request and make a decision.

•The decision may be to accept the request, to propose an alternative (which may require further discussion), to confirm a compromise made at the meeting or to reject the request.


•Confirm the decision in writing.

•Where a change is agreed, you may wish to consider a trial period.

•If the request is rejected, set out the reasons and the right to appeal.



Employees with 26 weeks service have a statutory right to request flexible working. Employees can only make one request in each 12-month period.


Requests should be dealt with within 3 months of being submitted, including carrying out any appeals.


This document was commissioned by the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) in 2019 for the purpose of its member councils and county associations.

Every effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this document are correct at time of publication. NALC cannot accept responsibility for errors, omissions and changes to information subsequent to publication.

This document has been written by the HR Services Partnership – a company that provides HR advice and guidance to local (town and parish) councils. For more information about their services, contact them on 01403 240 205.

© NALC 2019