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Display Screen Equipment - working safely and assessments

Last updated: 25 September 2023 at 16:47:51 UTC by JAMS Assistant

If workers use display screen equipment (DSE) daily, as part of their normal work, continuously for an hour or more, employers must do a workstation assessment.

Employers should look at:

§  the whole workstation, including equipment, furniture, and work conditions

§  the job being done

§  any special requirements of a member of staff, for example a user with a disability

Where there are risks, they should take steps to reduce them.

Employers must also do an assessment when:

§  a new workstation is set up

§  a new user starts work

§  a change is made to an existing workstation or the way it's used

§  users complain of pain or discomfort

Use a DSE checklist to help make an assessment.  This can be a self-assessment by a user. 

The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations can apply to workers who:

  • work at home on a permanent or long-term basis
  • routinely split their time between their workplace and home (sometimes called hybrid working)

Where the regulations do apply, you should carry out a DSE assessment for individual workers. In most cases you do not need to visit them to carry out the assessment, unless you decide there is a need to do so. Your workers may complete a self-assessment provided they have been given suitable training, for example by explaining how to use an ergonomic checklist or self-assessment tool.

Where workers use DSE in the home and office, the assessment should cover both situations.

  • Make sure those working at home can achieve a comfortable, sustainable posture. They may not need office furniture or equipment at home to achieve this. But you should check if their own equipment is suitable.

  • You must provide workers with training in the use of their workstation and DSE equipment. This should include advice on achieving good posture, and on good working practices.

  • The law says employers must plan work so there are breaks or changes in activity for workers.

  • The law says employers must arrange an eye test for Display Screen Equipment users if they ask for one, and provide glasses if an employee needs them only for DSE use.

If there are any issues identified by carrying out the assessment then you may need to obtain advice and guidance from a trained assessor and advisor to make the changes to comply with the DSE regulations.

Further advice and guidance can be found on the Health and Safety Executive website and in the attached documents.  A DSE assessment checklist is available in our templates section.