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Legal Topic Notes

Last updated: 30 January 2024 at 15:22:16 UTC by Andrew Everard

  2. This is a list of the Legal Topic Notes published by NALC that you can find in the Legal Topic Notes section of the LALC portal.
    Legal Topic Notes - OneDrive (
  3. 01 | Councils' powers to discharge their functions (April 2018)
  4. 02 | The chair of local councils (April 2018)
  5. 03 | The powers of a parish meeting in a parish without a separate parish council (September 2014)
  6. 04 | The powers of community meetings in communities without councils (March 2017)
  7. 05E | Parish Council Meetings [England] (November 2021)
  8. 05W | Community Council Meetings [Wales] (May 2022)
  9. 06 | Meetings of Parish Meetings (September 2014)
  10. 07 | Non-councillor members of committees (July 2022)
  11. 08 | Elections and co-option (July 2022)
  12. 09E | Handling Complaints [England] (December 2018)
  13. 09W | Handling Complaints [Wales] (February 2013)
  14. 10 | Royal Visits (March 2013)
  15. 11 | Celebrations and similar events (March 2017)
  16. 12 | Titles of Dignity (March 2013)
  17. 13 | Policing your area (February 2022)
  18. 14E | Byelaws [England] (August 2016)
  19. 14W | Byelaws [Wales] (August 2016)
  20. 15 | Legal Proceedings (July 2015)
  21. 16 | Control of Litter (May 2015)
  22. 17 | Control of Dogs (November 2015)
  23. 18 | Local Councils' power to provide parking spaces (March 2017)
  24. 19 | Unauthorised Parking on Private Land (August 2013)
  25. 20 | Markets and other events (March 2017)
  26. 21 | Local council help to village halls (May 2019)
  27. 22 | Disciplinary and Grievance Arrangements (November 2019)
  28. 23 | Health and Safety (July 2015)
  29. 24 | The Human Rights Act 1998 (May 2019)
  30. 28 | Basic Charity Law (February 2022)
  31. 29 | Straying Animals (November 2007)
  32. 30 | Defamation (October 2020)
  33. 31 | Local council general powers (March 2022)
  34. 32 | Local Councils and VAT (January 2011)
  35. 33 | Councillors' Allowances (August 2019)
  36. 34 | Retirement Gratuities (May 2012)
  37. 35 | Contracts (February 2017)
  38. 36 | Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 (January 2017)
  39. 37 | Freedom of Information (April 2021)
  40. 38 | Data Protection (December 2018)
  41. 39 | Copyright (March 2016)
  42. 40 | Local council documents and records (August 2022)
  43. 41 | The Responsibility of Councils as Landowners (June 2016)
  44. 42 | Occupiers' Liability (January 2017)
  45. 43 | Private Access to Council Land (April 2011)
  46. 44 | Trespass to Land and the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 (October 2016)
  47. 45 | Disposal and appropriation of land by local councils (December 2016)
  48. 45A | Disposal of charity land by local councils (December 2016)
  49. 46 | Registered Land (August 2014)
  50. 47 | Easements (April 2011)
  51. 48 | The Difference between Leases and Licenses (October 2010)
  52. 49 | Business Tenancies (October 2010)
  53. 50 | The Agricultural Tenancies Act 1995 (October 2010)
  54. 51 | The Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 (November 2007)
  55. 52 | Temporary Use of Allotment Land (November 2012)
  56. 53 | Protection of Common Land (April 2011)
  57. 54 | Protection of Ownerless Common Land (July 2017)
  58. 55 | Adverse Possession Claims (October 2016)
  59. 56 | The provision of play and sports equipment on village greens (August 2015)
  60. 57 | Easements over common land and village greens (November 2020)
  61. 58 | Appealing Planning Decisions (April 2015)
  62. 59 | The Rights of Local Councils to be notified of Planning Applications and Decisions (August 2016)
  63. 60 | Copies of Planning Documents (July 2016)
  64. 61 | The Status of Parish, Town and Community Councils at Public Enquiries (July 2012)
  65. 62 | Planning Control over Agricultural Land and Buildings (July 2012)
  66. 63 | Planning and Building Control Enforcement (June 2017)
  67. 64 | Tombstones and Memorials (May 2014)
  68. 65 | Closed churchyards and disused burial grounds (November 2021)
  69. 66 | Nuisance [Public and Statutory] (August 2014)
  70. 67 | Nuisance [Private] (October 2014)
  71. 68 | Negligence (February 2017)
  72. 69 | Anti Social Behaviour and Harassment (July 2016)
  73. 70 | The Local Environment (September 2017)
  74. 71 | Naming and Numbering of Streets (November 2007)
  75. 72 | Highways (July 2012)
  76. 73 | Community Governance Reviews (July 2015)
  77. 74 | Alternative names and styles for parish councils (July 2008)
  78. 75 | Lease Negotiations (July 2012)
  79. 76 | Energy performance requirements (May 2014)
  80. 77 | Public Rights of Way (June 2014)
  81. 78 | The Equality Act 2010 (January 2013)
  82. 79 | Staff Pensions (July 2020)
  83. 80 | Members' conduct and the registration and disclosure of their interests [England] (May 2022)
  84. 81 | Pre-Determination (August 2014)
  85. 82 | Compulsory Purchase Orders (January 2018)
  86. 83 | Neighbourhood Planning [England] (June 2012)
  87. 84 | Community Right to Challenge [England] (January 2013)
  88. 85 | The Community Right to Nominate and Bid for Assets of Community Value [England] (September 2015)
  89. 86 | The Disclosure and Barring Service (October 2013)
  90. 87 | Procurement (March 2022)
  91. 88 | Event Licensing (August 2016)
  92. 89 | Sustainable energy and electric vehicle charging (March 2022)