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Public Rights of Way - Public Footpaths and Public Highways

Last updated: 7 June 2024 at 17:41:59 UTC by Andrew Everard

Lincolnshire County Council is responsible for all footpaths and highways matters including the route they take over land and property.  

Advice is available here Rights of way – Public rights of way - Lincolnshire County Council
Please be aware that if a landowner wants to change the route or to stop a public footpath crossing their land they must apply for a change to the Definitive Map Modification Order or Public Path Order.  The landowner is responsible for demonstrating that their proposals are supported by the community and other users so asking the parish council to consider the proposals is relevant for when the landowner submits the application.   

The parish council may wish to put forward some representative views and / or concerns to inform the landowner about how the community may feel about his proposals.  Often landowners who do not listen to those concerns will find that their application is turned down.  If the community do not want change then they should say so loudly and clearly.  Alternatively if there are proposals which will be an improvement on the current route (such as not cutting though others gardens or overlooking someone's gardens or windows the new route may be better.  LCC would prefer to find the consensus for the community so the parish council can be very helpful in this process.  \Other helpful advice and guidance is available from