Recruitment Manual - Unit 8 - Recruitment Information Pack

Last updated: 25 September 2023 at 16:47:51 UTC by JAMS Assistant



Recruitment Manual – step by step guide




8.1  Why provide information for candidates?


Whilst a job cannot be filled successfully by the Council unless it has been accurately defined, providing sufficient and appropriate information about the job and the Council as part of the recruitment and selection process is key for candidates and the Council’s image.


By giving candidates sufficient information about the job and the Council before they submit an application as part of the process candidates will get a strong flavour of the style and professionalism of the Council and critically it may even help encourage the right candidates to apply for the job!


The purpose therefore of providing key information is to enhance the initial impression and image of the Council as a future employer and ensure that every candidate is given the same information in a consistent and thorough way. It will also cut down the valuable interview time otherwise needed to answer basic questions about the Council, job and terms of employment.


8.2  How should the Council provide the information?


Relevant information should therefore be issued to potential candidates before applying for the job and ideally a smart and thorough Recruitment Information Pack prepared for issue on request with the application form, if being used, along with any other relevant Council publications.


It is recommended that the following should be included in your Recruitment Information Pack:-


(a)   Recruitment Handout


·        a welcoming introduction

·        the role of a Clerk

·        a brief history and profile of the Council

Ø  Council area and environment

Ø  Council history and background details

Ø  Council structure

Ø  staffing information

·        the job advertisement

·        key terms and conditions of employment

·        the intended application and selection process and timetable.


(b)   the job description and person specification


The general intention is to provide potential candidates with sufficient key information so as to ensure that he/she has a good picture of the Council, the job, the terms of employment, the challenges ahead and the performance level required. All of this is intended as well to reduce the time taken up at the valuable interview time with questions about the Council and job applicant’s questions can then therefore be specific and focussed against the candidate application and the information already provided in the Recruitment Information Pack.


In order to ensure that all potential candidates are able to apply, if information is requested in an alternative format e.g. in large print then this should be provided.


8.3  Specimen Recruitment Handout


An example Recruitment Information Pack is enclosed at Appendix 8 (a) for the post of Clerk to the Council. It can be amended to suit the post of Responsible Financial Officer or indeed any other job by substituting relevant job information on that post.


All of these documents should, if possible, be made available to candidates by downloading from the Council’s website along with an application form although it is useful to have a record of who has expressed an interest in the job.


8.4  Further Help


If you require training, help or any other assistance with your recruitment and selection processes or have any questions on anything in the Recruitment Manual please email your county association.

Updated November 2022


Appendix 8 (a) - Example Recruitment Information Pack for the post of Clerk to the Council























Date: ________________________



Thank you for responding to the Council’s recent advertisement for this post.


We hope that you find this Recruitment Handout together with the job description and person specification enclosed of assistance in deciding to apply.


The information is arranged as follows:-


·        role of a Clerk to the Council

·        a history and profile of the Council

Ø  Council area and environment

Ø  Council history and background details

Ø  Council structure

Ø  staffing information

Ø  key challenges

·        the job advertisement

·        key terms and conditions of employment

·        the application and selection process.


Also enclosed within the Recruitment Handout Information Pack is an application form (CVs alone will not be acceptable). Please email to request an electron version.


This Recruitment Handout will not form part of any subsequent contract of employment.


If you have any questions on the Recruitment Information Pack or the recruitment and selection process, require any further information on the Council or the post or you would like an informal discussion on the role, please email or call xxxxxxxxxxxx on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.


If as a result of a disability or impairment you would like us to make any special arrangements concerning the completion of your application or attending for interview please let us know.







Council Name and address:










Why become a Clerk?


Becoming a Clerk to a Parish, Town or Community Council is one of the most rewarding jobs in a local community - a competent Clerk underpins a good Council.


The role of Clerk is to ensure that the Council as a whole conducts its business properly and to provide independent, objective and professional advice and support and being a Clerk puts you in the centre of things.


Parish, Town and Community Councils are part of Local Government in your county together with your County Council and District/ Borough Councils or Unitary Authority.


The County Council/Unitary Authority is responsible for strategic services such as highways, education, libraries, social services, strategic planning and refuse disposal.


District/Borough Councils are responsible for local services including housing, local planning and refuse collection.


The Parish, Town Community Councils in the County are often viewed as the part of government closest to the people.


They are the only local government tier that represents residents at Parish and Town level.


Importantly Parish, Town and Community Councils can precept – raising their own council tax each year to improve facilities and services for local people.


Their powers and duties cover many things that we take for granted in making for comfort and well being where we live and can include the provision and maintenance of allotments, burial grounds and public monuments, public clocks, halls, some street lighting, litter bins, car parks, public toilets, rights of way, roadside verges, bus shelters, swimming pools and village greens.


Parish Councils are consulted on and can comment on planning applications and be

represented at public inquiries, planning appeals and examinations in public. Similarly, they advise the Unitary/County/District/Borough Councils on the views of residents, and especially on priorities for local investment.


Most Council meetings are open to the public and are led by the Council’s Chairperson and advised by the Clerk to the Council who is there to see that business is conducted within the law.


What does the Clerk to the Council do?


The enclosed job description lists the duties in detail but the main duties of the job can be summarised as to:-


·        ensure that the Council conducts its business lawfully

·        administer all the Council's paperwork

·        ensure that meeting papers are properly prepared and the public is aware of meeting times

·        Responsible for the financial affairs of the council

·        communicate the Council's decisions

·        organise and manage the provision of the Council services

·        organise and oversee the implementation of projects

·        manage and lead the staff

·        communicate and market the Council services and facilities

·        keep property register and other legal documents

·        keep up to date by training/qualification/experience-based learning.


The key duties and responsibilities to be undertaken are detailed in the job description included in the pack


Skills and attributes needed


Clerks usually pride themselves in having a good deal of common sense, confidence to handle the administrative work, being a good organiser, IT literate and able to get on with most people.


The key attributes required are detailed in the person specification included in the Recruitment Information Pack but underwriting these qualities is a sense of public duty - of wanting to help others in the community.




Included some or all of the following plus any other relevant details you wish the applicant needs to be aware of.


Council Area and Environment


Include a summary of the:-


·        Detail of area and local environment


Council History and Background Details


Include a summary of the:-


·        History of the Council

·        Mission Statement

·        Role in the community

·        Financial information – budget, precept etc

·        Detail of population, electorate and wards/electoral areas

·        Council Membership

·        Key functions/responsibilities

·        Council facilities and property owned and managed


Council Structure


Include a summary of some or all of the:-


·        Committee structure and brief terms of reference

·        Councillor election timetable

·        Meetings of the Council and Sub-Committees – programme

·        Annual Meeting

·        Timing and location of meetings






·        Staffing structure and/or schedule of Council jobs and any temporary arrangements


Key Challenges




·        Current and ongoing key challenges for the Council

·        Key specific tasks and/or projects to be addressed and/or tackled by the successful candidate






The terms and conditions of employment are generally in accordance with the National Joint Council Scheme of Conditions of Service and the provisions of the National Association of Local Councils and the Society of Local Council Clerks Conditions of Service for Clerks of Local Councils or as amended by the Council.




Salary is negotiable within Salary Range LC x (SCP xx – xx £xxxxx to £xxxxx) if not in possession of CILCA qualification or LC x range (SCP xx – xx £xxxxx to £xxxxx) if CILCA qualified or on obtaining the full qualification.


Working Week


The normal full-time working week is XX hours per week plus negotiated study/training time as appropriate.


Days and Hours of Work


Days of work are Monday to Friday and the office hours are XXX am to XXX pm but the hours of work will be flexible by agreement to include attendance at evening or weekend meetings and functions for which time off in lieu is granted.


Annual Leave




Sick Leave


XX working days (XX working days after 5 year’s continuous local government service) plus 2 discretionary days and bank and public holidays.


You are entitled to statutory sick-pay, and you might be entitled to an additional contractual allowance




The Council operates an auto-enrolment pension scheme for all staff provided by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and the employee rate of contribution is 0%.




You could be eligible to become a member of the contributory Local Government Pension Scheme. The rate of employee contribution for the LGPS is based on full time pensionable pay.




Xxxx’s month probationary period.

Pay Method


Salary is paid on the enter date of the month, directly by credit transfer to a bank or building society.












Salary Review


The salary is subject to any revisions agreed nationally between NALC and SLCC as a result of pay negotiations which are usually effective from 1 April.


Work Location


Enter office address/workplace but attendance at other locations is required when necessary.








Notice Period

Reasonable subsistence for conference attendance in accordance with the Council’s policy.


Car mileage allowance payable in accordance with the casual user provisions in the Council’s policy.


After completion of the probationary period, xxx months on either side in writing to terminate the employment. Unless your employment is terminated on grounds of gross misconduct when summary dismissal will apply, the minimum period of notice of termination of your employment which you are entitled to receive from the Council in writing, after completion of any probationary service, period is three months.


Other Terms


All staff are required to operate within the Council’s adopted policies and procedures.


A no smoking policy is in operation in the Council’s buildings and vehicles.




Recruitment Schedule


The proposed recruitment timetable is as follows:-


v  Advert insertion


- xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

v  Advert closing date


- xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

v  Short listing


- xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

v  Selection Panel interviews  


- xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

You will be advised of any material change to this timetable as appropriate.


Application Procedure


You should complete the enclosed Application Form in full and not disregard any section. CV s are not acceptable as an alternative to completing the Application Form but may be attached along with any supplementary information or documents in support of your application.


When submitting your application, you should address the requirements of the Job Description and Person Specification for the post and ensure that your relevant key experiences, knowledge, skills and personal style are clearly described to give you the best opportunity in the short listing process.


Please note you will be required to show documentary proof of any qualifications you may claim to hold if you are offered an appointment.


When completed your application form should be sent to:-







by xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.


If the application is being sent by mail, please mark the outside of the envelope “Confidential - Application for the post of enter job title.

Selection Process


It is expected that interviews for short listed candidates will be held by the Council’s Selection Panel on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx at the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.


The interviews will be structured to assess your competence and suitability for the post and may therefore include tests of relevant capabilities which will be explained to you if invited to attend for interview.

Please note the above date and confirm your availability to attend for interview on that date if short listed when completing your application form. It is expected that you will be advised during week ending xxxxxxxxxxxxxx if selected for interview.




If you are shortlisted references will normally be applied for in advance of the interview unless you indicate in the application form that you do not give the Council permission so to do. If appropriate, the authenticity of referees may be checked by direct confidential contact if you are to be offered the appointment.


Proof of Eligibility to Reside and Work in UK


In accordance with their legal obligations the Council will require you to provide proof that you are legally able to reside and work in the UK if you are successful in your application before commencing employment.


DBS Check


The Council does/does not require a criminal record check processed through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) as part of its recruitment process.




Canvassing, either directly or indirectly, will disqualify you from appointment. Sending copies of, or extracts from, your completed Application Form, CV or testimonials to any Member or Officer of the Council will be regarded as canvassing.


Equal Opportunities


The Council wholeheartedly supports the principle of equal opportunities in employment opposing all forms of unlawful and/or unfair discrimination whether on grounds of any protected characteristic in accordance with the Equality Act 2010. We aim to appoint therefore purely on merit and suitability for the post on offer. You are invited to complete and return the enclosed Equality Monitoring Information Form and return it with your completed application Form. The completed form will be regarded as strictly confidential, kept separately from and in no way used or affect the outcome of your application for employment.


Equality Positive Action (where applicable)


The new positive action terms mean that it is not unlawful to recruit or promote a candidate who is of equal merit to another candidate if the employer reasonably thinks that:-


·        the candidate has a protected characteristic that is under-represented in the workforce;

·        people with that characteristic suffer a disadvantage connected to that characteristic.


However, positive action does not allow an employer to appoint a less suitable candidate just because that candidate has a protected characteristic that is under-represented or disadvantaged.


Further Information


We hope that the information contained in this Recruitment Information Pack is helpful and sufficiently thorough to enable you to submit your application which we look forward to receiving.


However, if you have any questions on the information in the Recruitment Information Pack or any aspect of the appointment or the recruitment process please do not hesitate to contact the Council as set out in the Introduction earlier in the Pack.




This Recruitment Handout has been prepared on behalf of and agreed with xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Council but does not form part of any future contract of employment.