Recruitment Manual - Introduction and contents

Last updated: 25 September 2023 at 16:47:51 UTC by JAMS Assistant





Thank you for using this guide which has been developed to assist you and your Local Council through all the stages of a successful recruitment campaign.


Whilst it is primarily designed for use in recruiting your Clerk to the Council and/or the Responsible Financial Officer, the guidance may be adapted for virtually any job you wish to fill.


The Manual focuses on the key stages required in the recruitment and selection process from examining/confirming the need for the post to the point of the successful candidate settling into the job and completing their induction and probationary period.


The creation of, and/or appointment to any post, let alone the most senior job(s) in your organisation, is one of your most critical investments your Council will make. The recruitment process presents both legal requirements and key challenges in choosing the right person often between several excellent candidates.


It is important therefore that everyone responsible for or involved in staff recruitment and selection meet the challenges through a planned and structured process and are aware of and understand the key issues as well as the best techniques to use. Awareness of the legal requirements, particularly the Equality Act 2010, the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Modern Slavery Act is also essential.


It is recommended that all involved in recruitment and selection of staff undertake specific training.


This manual will help you avoid some pitfalls that are present in recruiting and provide guidance to give confidence to all involved that they are carrying out the process in a thorough, fair, objective and evidence-based way.


The manual is divided into fourteen key units as listed in the contents, all of which include both guidance and, where relevant, specimen documentation reflecting best practice which may be customised to suit your own Council, duties and local circumstances as appropriate. This formatting of the manual will meet the differing needs of Local Councils by allowing you to follow the whole step by step process or to just dip into those parts which will be of help.

In addition, model letters and forms are included which are intended to give you the opportunity to customise them to suit your needs and circumstances.


Updated November 2022



Unit 1 - Recruitment Process Action Plan


1.1  Why has the Recruitment Manual – Step by Step Guide been produced?

1.2  How does the Council avoid discrimination in the recruitment and selection process?

1.3  What is contained in the Recruitment Manual – Step by Step Guide?

1.4  How should the Council plan and organise the recruitment process?

1.5  Further Help


Unit 1 Appendices


Appendix 1 (a) – Specimen Recruitment Process Action Plan


Unit 2 - Staffing - Committee Terms of Reference


2.1  Why have a Staffing Committee?

2.2  Specimen Terms of Reference

2.3  Further Help


Unit 2 Appendices


Appendix 2 (a) – Specimen Terms of Reference


Unit 3 - The post of Clerk to the Council


3.1  Why the Council needs a Clerk

3.2  What are the key issues in the job analysis for a Clerk?

3.3  What does the Clerk do?

3.4  Further Help


Unit 4 - Preparing the job description


4.1  Why does the Council need to prepare a job description?

4.2  What should be included in the job description?

4.3  Specimen Job Descriptions

4.4  Further Help


Unit 4 Appendices


Appendix 4 (a) - Specimen job description for the post of Clerk to the Council and Responsible Financial Officer

Appendix 4 (b) – Specimen alternative for the post of Clerk to the Council and Responsible Financial Officer

Appendix 4 (c) – Specimen job description for the post of Responsible Financial Officer

Appendix 4 (d) – Specimen pro forma job description


Unit 5 - Preparing the person specification


5.1  Why does the Council need to prepare a person specification?

5.2  What should the Council include in the person specification?

5.3  Specimen Person Specification

5.4  Further Help



Unit 5 Appendices


Appendix 5 (a) - Specimen person specification for the post of Clerk to the Council

Appendix 5 (b) - Specimen person specification for the post of Responsible Financial Officer


Unit 6 - Advertising and media guidance


6.1  What should the Council include in the advertisement?

6.2  How can the Council find the right candidates using other forms of media?

6.3  Specimen Advertisements

6.4  Further Help


Unit 6 Appendices


Appendix 6 (a) - Specimen advertisements for the post of Clerk to the Council and Responsible Financial Officer

Appendix 6 (b) - Specimen advertisement for the post of Responsible Financial Officer


Unit 7 - Use of application forms


7.1  What options does the Council have to seek information from candidates?

7.2  What are the advantages of using application forms?

7.3  What are the disadvantages of using application forms?

7.4  What are the advantages of only requesting CVs?

7.5  What are the disadvantages of only requesting CVs?

7.6  What should be included in an application form?

7.7  Applicants Pack checklist

7.8  Specimen Application Form and Letters

7.9  Further Help


Unit 7 Appendices


Appendix 7 (a) - Specimen application form

Appendix 7 (b) - Request for recruitment pack and application form response

Appendix 7 (c) - Recruitment information pack request record

Appendix 7 (d) - Application acknowledgement

Appendix 7 (e) – Record of applications received

Appendix 7 (f) - Equalities monitoring form.


Unit 8 - Recruitment information pack


8.1  Why provide information for candidates?

8.2  How should the Council provide the information?

8.3  Specimen Recruitment Handout

8.4  Further Help


Unit 8 Appendices


Appendix 8 (a) - Example Recruitment Handout for the post of Clerk to the Council





Unit 9 - Short-listing guidance


9.1  What are the principles for short-listing candidates for interview?

9.2  What process should the Council adopt to short-list candidates for interview?

9.3  Specimen Short-Listing Application Analysis Matrix

9.4  Further Help


Unit 9 Appendices


Appendix 9 (a) - Rejection letter following short listing and no interview

Appendix 9 (b) - Short-Listing Application Analysis Matrix for the post of Clerk to the Council

Appendix 9 (c) - Short-Listing Application Analysis Matrix for the post of Responsible Financial Officer


Unit 10 - Selection interviewing guidance


10.1 Interview Preparation

(a) What is the purpose of the interview?

(b) What planning and arrangements should the Council make for the interviews?

(c) Specimen Interview Documents

10.2 Selection Interview Guidance

(a) How should the interviews be structured?

(b) Questioning Techniques

(c) Active Listening

(d) Helpful and Hindering Behaviours

(e) Common Interviewing Flaws

10.3 Other Selection Methods

(a) Use of Tests

(b) How should the Council use any of these tests?

10.4 Recording the Selection Process

10.5 Further Help


Unit 10 Appendices


Appendix 10 (a) - Interview schedule

Appendix 10 (b) - Initial interview invitation

Appendix 10 (c) - Rejection letter after initial interview

Appendix 10 (d) - Final interview invitation

Appendix 10 (e) - Rejection letter after final interview

Appendix 10 (f) - Reference request and letter

Appendix 10 (g) - Interview Script for the post of Clerk to the Council

Appendix 10 (h) - Specimen Questions for the post of Clerk to the Council

Appendix 10(i) - Specimen Questions for the post of Responsible Financial Officer


Unit 11 - Selection assessment guidance


11.1 How should the Council assess all the candidates?

11.2 How should the Council handle the selection assessment process?

11.3 Situations where there is no clear choice

11.4 Positive Action Provision

11.5 Specimen Selection Interview Assessment Matrix

11.6 Further Help



Unit 11 Appendices


Appendix 11 (a) - Specimen Interview Selection Assessment Matrix for the post of Clerk to the Council

Appendix 11 (b) - Specimen Interview Selection Assessment Matrix for the post of Responsible Financial Officer

Appendix 11(c) – Selection Assessment Methods


Unit 12 - Appointment process


12.1 How should the Council make the appointment?

12.2 Does the Council need to issue a contract of employment?

12.3 What must the written statement of terms and conditions of employment include?

12.4 Specimen Offer Letters and Contract of Employment

12.5 Further Help


Unit 12 Appendices


Appendix 12 (a) - Letter of offer of employment for the post of Clerk to the Council

Appendix 12 (b) - Letter enclosing contract of employment/statement of main terms and conditions of employment once offer is accepted

Appendix 12 (c) - Letter issuing both the offer and contract of employment/statement of main terms and conditions of employment


Unit 13 - Induction


13.1 Why should the Council provide a formal induction process?

13.2 What should the Council include in the induction process?

13.3 Is there anything the Council should avoid?

13.4 Specimen Induction Checklist and Timetable

13.5 Further Help


Unit 13 Appendices


Appendix 13 (a) – Specimen Induction Checklist for the post of Clerk


Unit 14 - Probation


14.1 Why should the Council use a formal probation period on appointment?

14.2 How should the Council monitor performance during the probationary period?

14.3 Who should be responsible for monitoring performance during the probationary period?

14.4 Specimen Probation Letters

14.5 Further Help


Unit 14 Appendices


Appendix 14 (a) – Letter confirming successful completion of probation period

Appendix 14 (b) – Probation period extension letter

Appendix 14 (c) – Termination letter after unsuccessful probationary period








Neither the Civility & Respect Project, its servants, agents, employees, parent or associated companies nor the authors, publishers, suppliers or retailers of this Recruitment Manual shall be liable to any person, persons or other legal entity for any losses, damages, costs or other claims howsoever arising as a result of any information contained in or omitted from this document.  You are strongly advised to seek further advice and assistance if you are in any doubt about any aspect of employment law. No content of the Recruitment Manual may be reproduced in whole or part without the permission of the Civility & Respect Project.