Details of the case 09 Nov 1918 Longfield PC v Wright, Kent Messenger Longfield PC v Walter Wright,…
The Public Works Loan Board (PWLB) was a statutory government body that originated in 1793 and beca…
Burial ground operators should have systems in place to control the risks from memorials to their e…
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Clearing snow and ice from pavements yourself There's no law stopping you from clearing snow and ic…
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Election as a Parish/ Town Councillor and criteria to be checked prior to co-option & disqualificat…
The conditions for eligibility are set out in the Statutory Instrument, Parish Councils (General Po…
A pressing concern facing those in public office is the increasing levels of intimidation, harassme…
Helpful hints for the Chair of the Council Congratulations on your election as Chair of your Counci…
Rush to get historic public rights of way registered is underway The Deregulation Act 2015 received…
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In most circumstances, the press and public will be entitled to attend meetings of a parish council…
Meetings of Parish and Town Councils cannot proceed if there are insufficient councillors present t…
It is good practice for councils to set aside a period for public participation (15 or 20 minutes)…
It is normal for a member of staff, usually the Clerk, to take minutes of meetings. In the absence…
It is recommended that local councils have, as a minimum, standing orders that set out the relevant…
The rules of debate at a meeting are designed to ensure that councillors have an opportunity to spe…
In a year of ordinary local council elections, the annual meeting of the council must take place on…
All parish/towns must hold an annual assembly of the parish/town. The annual parish meeting is an e…
An ordinary meeting is a scheduled meeting convened by the council’s Proper Officer. Schedule 12, L…
The role of the Chair of a meeting is to keep order and control the meeting in accordance with stan…
The Localism Act 2011 ('2011 Act') introduced arrangements to regulate the conduct of members of lo…
Council meetings are business meetings and should be focussed on achieving corporate decisions. Min…
A. Parish council meetings are subject to statutory requirements that govern how they must be conve…
This is a list of the Legal Topic Notes published by NALC that you can find in the Legal Topic Note…
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A document showing the minimum statutory requirements and the recommended documents that a local co…
NALC Advice Note - 30 Sep 2024 Local council ownership and protection of common land and village gr…
A requirement that a meeting under the Local Government Act 1972 is to be "open to the public" or "…
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What is Planning? “the carrying out of building, engineering, mining or other operations in, on, ov…
Pre-election Period of Sensitivity The period until the General Election on 4 th July 2024 all pari…
We continue to have queries at the office relating to the problems members experience when issuing…
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It is not advisable to respond to every piece of negative criticism and it is not good practice to…
Any vote of confidence will be advisory only with no legal effect because the law states that the C…
A frequent question that is often put to LALC is if the parish / town council can pass a motion of…
Practice Guidance Note Local Councils and Applications for Wind Farm Developments 1. Summary 2. Res…