
63 articles


What is an appraisal? Management is a continuous process. A regular review of an employee’s perform…

April 2024 changes - redundancy, maternity and flexible working

COUNCIL NEWS APRIL 2024 Redundancy and Maternity Mum’s returning from Maternity Leave have accrued…

Caution if imposing attendance targets on employees with disabilities

Councils need to be Careful when imposing attendance targets on Employees with Disabilities A Senio…

Clerk salary evaluation profiles - National Agreement 2004

This publication covers the salaries and conditions of service of full-time and part-time Clerks an…

Could the Four Day Week Solve the Skills Shortages for Town and Parish Councils?

Recruitment problems have become an increasing issue for Town and Parish Councils, particularly for…

Creating Rewarding Jobs

COUNCIL NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2021 Creating Rewarding Jobs In some parts of the Country recruitment o…

Dealing with a Code of Conduct Complaint


Don't Go It Alone (- two or more councillors essential) and Employee Heat of the Moment Resignations

1. Don’t go it Alone! For over 50 years the Local Government Act 1972 (S101) has told Councils that…

Don't go it alone & Heat of the moment resignations

1. Don’t go it Alone! For over 50 years the Local Government Act 1972 (S101) has told Councils that…

Duty to Prevent Sexual Harrassment from October 2024

COUNCIL NEWS FEBRUARY 2024 Council’s New Duty to Prevent Sexual Harassment From October 2024 new le…

Employment Briefings

Click here to access all Employment Briefings

Employment Contract Model Template NALC Guidance Note

NALC Guidance for the Model Employment Contract - these are attached and can be downloaded. There a…

Employment Issues

Employment: Authorities are, by definition, employers. The clerk of any Local Council is always an…

Fighting Fires - the new employment legal framework

COUNCIL NEWSLETTER MARCH 2022 Fighting Fires Conflict between Councillor and staff in a Town/Parish…

Fully flexible Employers improve recruitment and retention at twice the rate of those requiring full-time office attendance

COUNCIL NEWS AUGUST 2023 Fully flexible Employers improve recruitment and retention at twice the ra…

Guidance Notes on Recruitment - Interview Skills Jan 20

Guidance Notes on Recruitment – Interview Skills In a series of brief guidance notes, over the comi…

Has Ledbury failed Council Staff? (Grievances v Code of Conduct issues)

Has Ledbury failed Council Staff? The Supreme Court’s decision in Harvey v Ledbury Town Council [20…

How to Conduct Formal Disciplinary Action

INVESTIGATING ALLEGATIONS OF MISCONDUCT The investigating Manager Appointing the right investigator…

How to comply with Data Protection requirements for HR-related Data

It is important to be transparent about how the council collects and processes personal data. Counc…

How to deal with Sickness Absence

It is important to effectively manage both short-term and long-term sickness absence to ensure the…

How to deal with a Grievance

Refer to Legal Topic Note 22 for the latest NALC advice about dealing with a grievance. Grievances…

How to deal with a Maternity Leave Request

All pregnant employees are entitled to statutory maternity leave. Managers should follow set proced…

How to deal with a Paternity Leave Request

Ordinary Paternity Leave is available to employees’ whose partner (including in same sex couples) g…

How to deal with a flexible working request

In recent years there has been a growing demand for flexible working from both employees and employ…

How to deal with a request for emergency / dependents leave

From time to time, employees may need to take unplanned absence to attend to urgent or serious situ…

How to manage homeworking arrangements

Homeworking is the term generally used to describe employees whose Contract gives their home as the…

How to manage lone workers

Employer’s should avoid the need for lone-working where reasonably practicable. Where lone working…

How to process expenses

It is important to have guidelines and rules on expenses to ensure that employees are clear on what…

How to promote Equality and Diversity

Equality and diversity should actively be promoted and celebrated in the workplace due to the benef…

How to respond to Whistleblowing

It is important that any fraud, misconduct or wrongdoing by staff or others working on behalf of th…

How to train and develop staff

Co uncils with appropriately trained employees are better equipped to provide services to the commu…

Information Technology Policy Guidance

Each council will have their own IT provision and a ‘fit-for-all’ policy is not possible. Some smal…

January 2024- Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023 & Carers Leave Entitlement

COUNCIL NEWS JANUARY 2024 What’s New for 2024 Forthcoming Legislation Changes from 1 st April 2024…

June 2024 - General Election Manifesto Plans

COUNCIL NEWS June 2024 1. The Labour Party Manifesto 2. The Conservative Manifesto 3. The Liberal D…

Managing Poor Performance

It is important to address performance concerns in day-to-day management at the earliest opportunit…

NJC Employers' Pay Offer 2023-24

This offer was made to unions for negotiation in February 2023. The trade unions are consulting wit…

NJC Salary Pay Scales

THE powers for Councils to appoint officers occur in the Local Government Act 1972 which states in…

Planning and Managing a Recruitment Campaign

COUNCIL NEWSLETTER AUGUST 2021 Step by Step Guide to Planning and Managing a Recruitment Campaign T…

Post-Pandemic Burn Out and New Ways of Working

COUNCIL NEWSLETTER MAY 2022 Post Pandemic Burn Out in the Public Sector and New Ways of Working A r…

Preventing sexual harassment in the workplace

COUNCIL NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2021 1. New obligations on Councils to prevent sexual harassment in th…

Recruitment Manual - Introduction and contents


Recruitment Manual - Unit 1 - Clerk Recruitment Process Action Plan

UNIT 1 Recruitment Manual – step by step guide RECRUITMENT PROCESS ACTION PLAN 1.1 Why has the Recr…

Recruitment Manual - Unit 2 - Staffing Committee Terms of Reference

UNIT 2 Recruitment Manual – step by step guide STAFFING - COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE 2.1 Why have…

Recruitment Manual - Unit 3 - The Post of Clerk to the Council

UNIT 3 Recruitment Manual – step by step guide THE POST OF CLERK TO THE COUNCIL 3.1 Why the Council…

Recruitment Manual - Unit 4 - Preparing the Job Description

UNIT 4 Recruitment Manual – step by step guide PREPARING THE JOB DESCRIPTION 4.1 Why does the Counc…

Recruitment Manual - Unit 5 - Preparing the Person Specification

UNIT 5 Recruitment Manual – step by step guide PREPARING THE PERSON SPECIFICATION 5.1 Why does the…

Recruitment Manual - Unit 6 - Advertising and Media Guidance

UNIT 6 Recruitment Manual –step by step guide ADVERTISING AND MEDIA GUIDANCE 6.1 What should the Co…

Recruitment Manual - Unit 7 - Use of Application Forms

UNIT 7 Recruitment Manual – step by step guide USE OF APPLICATION FORMS 7.1 What options does the C…

Recruitment Manual - Unit 8 - Recruitment Information Pack

UNIT 8 Recruitment Manual – step by step guide RECRUITMENT INFORMATION PACK 8.1 Why provide informa…

Recruitment Manual - Unit 9 - Shortlisting Guidance

UNIT 9 Recruitment Manual – step by step guide SHORT-LISTING GUIDANCE 9.1 What are the principles f…

Recruitment Manual - Units 11 - Selection Assessment Guidance

UNIT 11 Recruitment Manual – step by step guide SELECTION ASSESSMENT GUIDANCE 11.1 How should the C…

Recruitment Manual - Units 10 - Selection Interviewing Guidance

UNIT 10 Recruitment Manual – step by step guide SELECTION INTERVIEWING GUIDANCE 10.1 Interview Prep…

Recruitment Manual - Units 12 - Appointment Process

UNIT 12 Recruitment Manual – step by step guide APPOINTMENT PROCESS 12.1 How should the Council mak…

Recruitment Manual - Units 13 - Induction

UNIT 13 Recruitment Manual - step by step guide INDUCTION 13.1 Why should the Council provide a for…

Recruitment Manual - Units 14 - Probation

UNIT 14 Recruitment Manual - step by step guide PROBATION 14.1 Why should the Council use a formal…

Recruitment and Retention within Town and Parish Councils - July 2023

Finding senior staff, and hanging on to them, has been an endemic problem for Town and Parish Counc…

SLCC subscription - is there a power for a council to pay for this?

The Local Government Act 1972 s 143 (1) (b) states that, ‘a local Authority may pay reasonable subs…

Sick Pay for Unvaccinated Employees

COUNCIL NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2022 Sick Pay for Unvaccinated Employees IKEA has recently removed Compa…

Sickness Management Procedures

BASIC SICKNESS MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES CONTENTS See the attachment 1. Eight Step process for investig…

The End of Covid Restrictions and Self-Isolation?

COUNCIL NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2022 The End of Covid Restrictions and Self-Isolation At the start of F…

What does the Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Act 2023, mean for Town and parish Councils? & Is Stress a Disability?

COUNCIL NEWS SEPTEMBER 2023 What does the Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Act 2023, mean…

What will the Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023 mean for Town and Parish Councils?

COUNCIL NEWS SEPTEMBER 2023 What will the Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023 mean for…

Why Councils may want to consider home working

COUNCIL NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2021 Why Councils may want to consider home working The pandemic has had…