JPAG PRACTITIONERS' GUIDE 2024-25 financial year

A new guide is published for each financial year and sets out the Proper Practices that the Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer should follow throughout the financial year, responsibilities for internal and external audit and the year-end procedures.  NALC has also issued a document highlighting the changes from the previous year's Practitioners' Guide.

 Practitioners' Guide 2024-25   NALC note about the changes for 2024-25 financial year

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JPAG PRACTITIONERS' GUIDE 2023-24 financial year

A new guide is published for each financial year and sets out the Proper Practices that the Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer should follow throughout the financial year, responsibilities for internal and external audit and the year-end procedures.  

 Practitioners' Guide 2023-24

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JPAG PRACTITIONERS' GUIDE 2022-23 financial year

A new guide is published for each financial year and sets out the Proper Practices that the Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer should follow throughout the financial year, responsibilities for internal and external audit and the year-end procedures.  

 Practitioners' Guide 2022-23

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JPAG PRACTITIONERS' GUIDE 2022-23 financial year

A new guide is published for each financial year and sets out the Proper Practices that the Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer should follow throughout the financial year, responsibilities for internal and external audit and the year-end procedures.  

 Practitioners' Guide 2022-23

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